Primary reference document for and is applicable to all Adelphi University employees who may receive occupational exposure to a bloodborne pathogen.

Policy Statement


Reason for Policy

Adelphi University is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for all employees, students, visitors, patients, and contractor employees. Accordingly, Adelphi University has prepared this Exposure Control Plan (ECP) to ensure compliance with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty, Staff, and Student Workers


Roles and Responsibilities

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) at Adelphi University is responsible for the implementation of the ECP in collaboration with departmental management from all affected departments at its three campuses.

Each responsible department head, manager and/or supervisor, in collaboration with EH&S, will maintain and provide all necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), engineering controls (e.g., sharps containers), labels, and red bags as required by the standard and will ensure that adequate supplies of the aforementioned equipment are available in the appropriate sizes.

It is the responsibility of each employee who is determined to have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) to comply with the procedures and work practices outlined in this Exposure Control Plan (ECP).

Employee Exposure Determination

In an effort to provide the highest level of protection for our employees,allemployees within a covered job classification/title are considered covered by the ECP. Criteria used to determine occupational exposure include:

  • Provide treatment or render first aid to student athletes.
  • Clean-up blood or OPIM spills or handle materials/equipment potentially contaminated with blood or OPIM.
  • 与人的血液、血液制品或其他潜在的传染性物质打交道。
  • Work with tissue or cell cultures known to contain HIV, HBV, HCV, or other bloodborne pathogens.(Not currently performed at Adelphi)
  • Work with any human cell lines known to be infected with a bloodborne pathogen or OPIM (see attached OSHA Standard Interpretation, June 21, 1994).(Not currently performed at Adelphi)
  • Work with animals/animal blood in research that is known to be infected with HIV or HBV (see attached OSHA Standard Interpretation, October 15, 2002).
  • 可能暴露于可能含有血源性病原体或OPIM的血液或体液的临床活动。在进行上述任何活动的地方附近工作。

Based on a careful review of job titles and work procedures, Adelphi University considers all employees within the following job classifications/titles to have a reasonably anticipated occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens during the performance of work duties:

Job Classification/Title Department
Head Athletic Trainer Athletics
Assistant Athletic Trainers Athletics
Recreation Manager & Staff Athletics
Equipment Manager Athletics
Laundry Workers Athletics
Nurses* Health Services
Emergency Medical Technicians* Health Services
Exercise Science Athletics
Custodial Services Facilities Management
Maintenance Workers Facilities Management
Public Safety Officer* Public Safety
Biology Professors *** Biology
Preschool Employees Alice Brown’s Early Learning Center
Field Nurses* Department of Nursing Education

*Currently trained by outside trainers
***Biology Faculty not working with any human blood or body fluid) Reviewed annually (2015-2020)

Methods of Implementation and Control

Universal Precautions

All employees covered by the ECP will utilize Universal Precautions in their work duties to protect against bloodborne pathogens. Universal Precautions is an approach to infection control requiring that all human blood and OPIM be treated as if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens.

Exposure Control Plan (ECP)

在最初的培训课程中,涉及血源性病原体标准的员工将接受本ECP的解释。所有员工都有机会在工作时间内通过联系他们的直接主管或e&s(516 788-32420)随时审查ECP。如果员工提出要求,Adelphi公司将在15天内免费向员工提供ECP副本。ECP将放在阿德尔菲环境卫生和安全科的内部网上。e&s负责每年审查和更新ECP,以反映任何影响职业暴露的新任务或修改的任务和程序,并反映新的或修订的员工职位的职业暴露。该政策将每年提交安全委员会审查和批准。


Engineering Controls and Work Practice Controls

Engineering Controlsare devices or equipment that isolate or remove hazards, reducing the risk of infection.

  1. Sharps Containers作为主要的工程控制,以减少利器(如丢弃的针头、手术刀、刀片、滑梯和其他利器)意外伤害的风险。容器应尽可能靠近使用地点,以方便立即处置使用过的利器。不要将容器装满。
  2. Red Bag Waste Receptaclesserve as the primary engineering control to reduce the risk of accidental exposure from blood- and OPIM-contaminated waste materials (e.g., gloves, towels, gowns, etc.). Facilities Management Department will provide receptacles and red bags for collection of Regulated Medical Waste.
  3. Safe Needle Devices包括第3页和第4页定义的无针系统和带有防伤害设计的利器。在2000年11月,该标准增加了评估纳入商业工程控制(例如“安全针头”)的可行性的规定。这些设备允许消除针或自动屏蔽针,以减少经皮损伤的风险。
  4. Centrifuge Safety Devices(sealed rotors, safety cups-gasket containers into which centrifuge tubes are placed) prevent the release of infectious aerosols, particularly if a tube breaks. Substitute plastic or plastic-clad centrifuge tubes/micro capillary columns for glass whenever possible.
  5. Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)reduce the risk of exposure to splashes and aerosols of potentially infectious materials. OSHA regulations are subject to change in both their directive components and interpretative statements. EH&S will communicate these changes to departments covered by the ECP and other personnel with oversight responsibilities for day-to-day operations, by e-mail, distribution of printed material, and changes in the content of its Bloodborne Pathogen Training Program.

Work Practice Controls

Work Practice Controls是雇员为减少接触血源性病原体或OPIM而使用的方法/技术,从而降低感染风险。

  1. UseUniversal Precautions-assume all human blood, certain human body fluids and other potentially infectious materials contain HIV, HBV, HCV or other bloodborne pathogens.
  2. Remove gloves when visibly contaminated and wash hands immediately after removal; wash other body parts as soon as possible after skin contact with potentially infectious materials.
  3. Do not recap, break, or bend needles or scalpels that have been used. Place all disposable sharps in the appropriate sharps containers, never into a red bag.
  4. Handling, cleaning, and sterilizing reusable sharps must be done withextremecaution. For example, pre-soaking instruments in a disinfectant solution before cleaning will reduce (but not totally eliminate) infectious organisms on the instruments.
  5. Eating, drinking, application of cosmetics and handling contact lenses is prohibited in work areas where exposure to bloodborne pathogens or OPIM is reasonably anticipated. Food or beverages may not be stored in laboratory refrigerators/freezers.
  6. Perform operations with blood and OPIM in a manner that minimizes splattering and aerosol generation. When this is not possible, conduct such operations in a Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC). This includes filling tubes, and loading/unloading safety cups or rotors inside a BSC.
  7. 在收集、处理、处理、储存或运输传染性材料时,使用次要容器(托盘、标本运输袋)防止泄漏和泄漏。
  8. Decontaminate equipment prior to servicing, moving or shipping. Items not completely decontaminated must bear a label noting the contaminated area.
  9. Use mechanical pipetting devicesonly;Do not mouth pipette.
  10. 把玻璃物品换成塑料物品;使用移液管或导管代替针来吸入液体。
  11. Inform non-laboratory personnel, outside contractors, etc. of the presence of infectious materials in the laboratory and ensure that their presence does not put them at risk of exposure.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided by each affected department and available to each affected personnel at no cost to the employee. Training in the proper selection and use of PPE is provided through EH&S and the employees direct supervisors, but it is the primary responsibility of the employee to properly utilize such PPE whenever the potential for occupational exposure exists. It is the responsibility of the affected department’s management to ensure that PPE of sufficient size, type and quantity is available and accessible to all affected employees and ensure that such employees utilize PPE as appropriate.在大多数情况下,最低水平的个人防护装备包括一件实验服/长罩袍、手套和眼睛防护装备(包括有侧盖和眉形格栅的安全眼镜),以防止工作人员接触有潜在传染性的材料。

In addition to understanding the appropriate uses of various types of PPE, it is equally important to realize that all PPE items have limitations that should be considered in making a selection.

The “appropriateness” of PPE depends on the risk involved in a particular operation, which in turn can be assessed by addressing the following questions:

  1. When the identity of the infectious agent is known, what is its natural route of infection?
  2. How hazardous is the agent, in terms of ease of transmissibility and severity of illness?
  3. What are chances of accidental exposure for different types of activities?
  4. Are needles or other sharp objects used, contributing to the risk of percutaneous injury?
  5. If handling liquids, what is the likelihood of splashes or aerosols being created?
  • Gloves –It is recommended that two pairs of impermeable gloves should be worn when touching or handling blood and body fluids or when the potential exists for direct skin contact with blood, other potentially infectious material (OPIM),mucous membranes or non-intact skin. Always inspect for holes and tears before donning. They are subject to losing their “barrier protection” quality with prolonged use or as the result of exposure to laboratory chemicals. Change gloves frequently during prolonged operations and as soon as possible if they become torn, or contaminated. The gloves used for handling infectious materials do not provide protection against percutaneous injury. GLOVES MUST NOT BE WORN OUTSIDE OF THE WORK AREA/LABORATORY.Utility glovesmay be decontaminated for reuse if their integrity is not compromised. Discard them if they show signs of cracking, peeling, tearing, puncturing, or deterioration. Never wash or attempt to decontaminatedisposablegloves for reuse.
  • Glove selection –Gloves designed for barrier protection are not always the appropriate choice for handling hazardous chemicals. Manufacturers or laboratory supply companies can furnish information on gloves that protect against hazardous chemicals.The BEST Glove Companyhas a free download of their selection charts.
  • Latex allergies –Approximately 8% of health care workers have been sensitized to latex rubber proteins or the chemicals used in manufacturing the gloves. EH&S can provide information on substitutes for latex gloves that provide the same level of barrier protection as latex without putting the wearer at risk for sensitization. Always use non-powdered gloves regardless of the glove material used. Latex proteins adsorbed onto airborne powder increase the risk of sensitization and can exacerbate pre-existing allergic symptoms.
  • Laboratory coats/gowns –provide a protective barrier between an employee’s clothes and potential exposure sources. Laboratory coats/gown either fastens in the front or in the rear, with coats/gowns that fasten in the rear offering greater protection than front-fastening ones. Laboratory coats are not to be worn outside of the laboratory if they are visibly stained with blood or OPIM or have been used while working with any pathogen.
  • Eye protection –有侧盾和眉骨防护的安全眼镜是处理血液或OPIM的最低眼睛保护措施,这些药物有可能在空气中传播。它们不能防止大的飞溅。防溅护目镜由于更贴合眼睛,需要用于飞溅风险较高的活动。在风险最高的情况下,戴面罩和护目镜是合适的。
  • Fluid-resistant masks –provide protection against droplet/splash exposure of the nose and mouth. They do not provide a barrier to infectious organisms transmitted by inhalation (e.g., tuberculosis).
  • Head and shoe covers –appropriate in situations where a high degree of splashing is anticipated.

Additional PPE precautions:

Remove protective equipment,especially gloves, before leaving the work area and as soon as feasible after a garment becomes contaminated.

Place used disposable protective equipment in red bags for disposal. Reusable items (laboratory coats, uniforms, towels) should be kept in red bags, with the Universal Biohazard sign affixed, until laundered.

Segregation and Disposal of Regulated Medical Waste

  1. Contaminated sharps必须在使用后立即处理在指定的利器容器,并防止刺穿。利器容器必须易于接近,并且尽可能靠近使用利器的区域。在学生指导、患者/运动员护理或研究活动中使用的下列物品在接触血液或OPIM时被认为是受污染的利器:皮下注射针、注射器、手术刀/手术刀刀片、剃须刀片、柳叶刀、载玻片和盖玻片、血清学移液器(玻璃或塑料)、毛细管(玻璃或塑料)、破碎的玻璃器皿和血小瓶。基本上,任何可能撕裂或刺破红色袋子的被污染的物品都被认为是被污染的尖锐物品。作为一种最佳管理实践,阿德尔菲还要求,未被污染的锐器也应处理在锐器容器中,以避免任何混淆或可能的意外接触。一旦满了,利器容器必须放在一个坚硬的,红色袋废物容器由用户在运输和处置之前。利器容器有几种尺寸可供壁挂式安装,台式使用和地板模型。容器的填充不得超过容量,或达到尖锐物从开口伸出的程度,注射器和针头不得分离或弯曲,针头在处理前不得重新包装。
  2. Red bag waste, which includes non-sharp items (soft items) that are contaminated with blood or OPIM such as gloves, gowns, paper towels, must be disposed of in containers which are rigid, leak resistant, of sufficient strength to prevent tearing or bursting under normal conditions of use and handling and shall bear the universal biohazard symbol. Such containers shall be lined with a minimum of one red bag into which regulated medical wastes shall be deposited for disposal. Red bags shall also bear the universal biohazard symbol. The generator of red bag waste shall tie or tape the red bag closed when full, and close the container (i.e., tape cardboard box or tightly close lid of plastic container) in preparation for transport and disposal by Adelphi’s regulated medical waste contractor.
  3. Laundry (e.g., lab coats, sheets, towels, athletic uniforms)被血液或OPIM污染的应尽量少处理,尽量少激动。被污染的衣物如不立即清洗,应放在红色袋中。处理衣物时应采取普遍预防措施,因此任何人处理衣物时都必须戴手套。被血或OPIM浸透的实验室工作服、床单和毛巾应作为红色袋子废物处理,而不是清洗。


Work surfaces must be decontaminated immediately after a spill, at the end of procedures, and at the end of the day if the surface may have become contaminated with blood or OPIM during the course of the day. A list of approved sterilants and disinfectants* can be obtained from theEnvironmental Protection Agencyor by contacting the EH&S coordinator.

*Approved refers to manufacturer’s right to use terms such as “disinfectant”, “tuberculocidal”, “sporicidal”, etc. on the product label, based on demonstrated anti-microbial activity in specified tests. A 10% solution of household bleach, prepared fresh daily, provides effective decontamination for routine housekeeping and spill response.

Cleaning/Decontamination Procedures

  • Always read manufacturers’ label information concerning organisms inactivated, use procedures, and dilution; full strength products may be ‘hazardous chemicals’ prior to dilution.
  • Discard protective coverings such as plastic wrap and aluminum foil when contaminated.
  • 定期检查并清除可能被污染的可重复使用的容器(桶、桶和罐)。发现可见污染后立即去污。
  • Use tongs, forceps, or a brush and dustpan to pick up broken glass; even when wearing gloves.
  • Store or process reusable sharps in puncture-resistant containers.
  • 将规定的医疗废物放置在维修控制中心提供的容器中。

Liquid Disinfectants: Uses and Limitations

Disinfectant Disinfection Level Bacteria Lipophilic Viruses Hydrophilic Viruses M. Tuberculosis Fungi Comments
Alcohols (ethyl and isopropyl) 60-85% inter-mediate + + +/- + 不杀孢子的;挥发很快,因此可能无法达到足够的接触时间,高浓度的有机物会降低效力;flammable
Phenolics (0.4% – 5%) inter-mediate + + +/- + + 不杀孢子的;苯酚会渗透乳胶手套;眼睛和皮肤刺激性;与有机土壤接触后仍保持活跃;可能留下残留物。
Glutaraldehyde (2-5%) high + + + + + Used to sterilize surgical instruments that cannot be autoclaved; strong odor; sensitizer; use with adequate ventilation. Not for use on environmental surfaces
Quaternary Ammonium (0.5-1.5%) low + + +/- May be ineffective against Psuedomonas and other gram-bacteria; recommendation limited to environmental sanitation (floors, walls). Low odor, irritation.
Iodophors (30-1,000 ppm iodine) inter-mediate + + + +/- +/- Inactivated by organic matter
Chlorine (100-1,000 ppm) inter-mediate + + + +/- + 不杀孢子的;被有机物灭活的;次氯酸盐溶液(高乐氏)必须每天配制;腐蚀性;对眼睛和皮肤有刺激。

Medical Services

Hepatitis B Vaccination

The immunization series involves three intramuscular injections over a six-month period. The vaccine is effective > 95% of the time when all three doses are given and immunity is thought to be life-long once a titer has been demonstrated. Hepatitis B vaccination may be contraindicated for those with yeast allergy (the immunogenic antigen is cultivated in cells of S. cerevisiae); pregnant women should consult their physician before receiving the vaccine.

EH&S, with the assistance Health Services, will provide training to employees regarding Hepatitis B vaccinations, addressing the safety, benefits, efficacy, methods of administration, and availability.

Adelphi is required to offer the Hepatitis B vaccination series to all employees identified as “at risk” for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, as specified in the Exposure Determination section of the ECP. The Hepatitis B vaccination series is available to all affected employees at no cost after training and within 10 days of initial assignment, by appointment and during normal working hours, at the Health Services , located in Waldo Hall. Vaccination is encouraged unless: 1) documentation exists that the employee has previously received the series, 2) antibody testing reveals that the employee is immune, or 3) medical evaluation shows that vaccination is contraindicated. However, if an employee chooses to decline vaccination, the employee must sign a declination form (see Appendix A). Employees who decline may request and obtain the vaccination at a later date at no cost. All documentation of an employee’s vaccination acceptance or refusal is maintained by Human Resources and Health Services under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines.

Communication of Hazards

Labels and Signs

The Universal Biohazard symbol is affixed to all red bags, sharps containers, other regulated medical waste containers and equipment used at Adelphi for collection/storage of blood or OPIM. Only items labeled with the Universal Biohazard symbol shall be used for collection/storage of blood- or OPIM-contaminated materials. Employees are to immediately notify EH&S if they discover regulated waste containers, refrigerators containing blood or OPIM, contaminated equipment, etc. without proper labels. All laboratories covered by the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and those working at Biological Safety Level-2 or higher must display a sign at the entrance to the work area incorporating the features required for “Labels” as well as: the name of the infectious agent(s); special requirements for entering the area; and, the name and campus office phone number of the responsible person.

Information and Training

Each department affected by this regulation is responsible for Bloodborne Pathogens training for all employees covered by this plan. EH&S or Health Services will provides training to new employees or transferred employees who are identified as “at risk” based on an exposure determination. Training sessions cover the following information:

  1. requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
  2. epidemiology, transmission, and symptoms of bloodborne diseases
  3. information on the Exposure Control Plan
  4. methods that can be used to recognize and evaluate tasks and activities with potential exposure
  5. use and limitations of the different methods of control including, but not limited to, engineering controls, work practices, proper waste disposal, and selection and use of protective equipment
  6. what constitutes an exposure incident and appropriate actions and procedures to follow if an exposure occurs and details on the provision of post-exposure evaluation and medical consultation
  7. Hepatitis B vaccine including efficacy, safety, method of administration, and that the vaccine will be free of charge to employees
  8. signs and labels required by the standard questions and answers
  9. questions and answers


Medical Records

Medical records are maintained for each employee with occupational exposure in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1020, “Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records.” Health Services is responsible for maintenance of the required medical records. These confidential records are kept at the Health Services for at least the duration of employment plus 30 years. Employee medical records are provided upon request of the employee or to anyone having written consent of the employee within 15 working days. Such requests should be sent to the Health Services Director. In addition to other OSHA record keeping requirements, the medical record will include:

  1. the name and employee ID number of the exposed employee
  2. a copy of the employee’s Hepatitis B vaccinations and any records relative to the employee’s ability to receive the vaccination
  3. a copy of all results of examinations, medical testing, and follow-up procedures as required by the Standard; and
  4. a copy of all healthcare professional’s written opinions as required by the Standard

An exposure incident is evaluated to determine if the case meets OSHA’s Recordkeeping Requirements (29 CFR 1904). This determination is performed by Health Services and EH&S and the recording activities are done by Human Resources.

Adelphi also maintains a sharps injury log for the recording of percutaneous injuries from contaminated sharps (see Appendix B). The information in the sharps injury log is recorded and maintained to protect the confidentiality of the injured employee. These activities are consistent with “safe needle” legislation enacted in November 2000. The sharps injury log shall note:

  1. the date of the injury
  2. the type and brand of the device involved
  3. the department or work area where the incident occurred
  4. an explanation of how the incident occurred


Training Records

Training records are completed for each employee upon completion of training. These documents will be kept by Human Resources for at least three (3) years. The training records will include:

  1. the date of the training session.
  2. the name and title of person conducting the training.
  3. the name and job title of each person attending the training.



Blood –human blood, human blood components, and products made from human blood, including medications derived from blood, such as immune globulins, albumin, and factors 8 and 9.

Bloodborne pathogens –pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B virus (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and Hepatitis C virus (HCV).

Contaminated –在物品或表面上存在或合理预期存在血液或其他潜在传染性物质。

Contaminated laundry –laundry which has been soiled with blood, body fluid, sharps and- or any other potentially infectious materials.

Contaminated sharps –any contaminated object that can penetrate the skin including but not limited to, needles, scalpels, broken glass or capillary tubes, and dental wires.

Decontamination –the use of physical or chemical means to remove, inactivate, or destroy bloodborne pathogens on a surface or item to the point where they are no longer capable of transmitting infection and the surface or item is rendered safe for handling, use, or disposal.

Engineering controls –控制措施(例如,利器处理容器、自套针和更安全的医疗设备,如带有工程利器伤害保护和无针系统的利器),将血液传播的病原体从工作场所隔离或清除。

Exposure incident –a specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employee’s duties. “Non-intact skin” includes skin with dermatitis, hangnails, cuts, abrasions, chafing, acne, etc.

Handwashing facilities –a facility providing an adequate supply of running potable water, soap and single use towels or hot air drying machines.

Needleless systems –a device that does not use needles for (A) the collection of bodily fluids or withdrawal of body fluids after initial venous or arterial access is established, (B) the administration of medication or fluids, or (C) any other procedure involving the potential for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens due to percutaneous injuries from contaminated sharps.

Occupational exposure –reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee’s duties.

Other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) –(1)以下人体体液:精液、阴道分泌物、脑脊液、滑膜液、胸膜液、心包液、腹膜液、羊水、牙科手术中的唾液,任何明显被血液污染的体液,以及难以或不可能区分体液的所有体液;(二)取自(活着的或死去的)人的未固定的组织、器官(完整的皮肤除外);(三)含有艾滋病病毒的细胞或者组织培养物、器官培养物以及含有艾滋病病毒或者乙肝病毒的培养基或者其他溶液;以及感染HIV或HBV的实验动物的血液、器官或其他组织。

Parenteral –piercing of mucous membranes or the skin through such events as needlesticks, human bites, cuts, and abrasions.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) –specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for protection against a hazard. General work clothes (e.g., uniforms, pants, shirts or blouses) not intended to function as protection against a hazard is not considered to be personal protective equipment.

Production facility –facility engaged in industrial-scale, large-volume or high concentration production of HIV or HBV.

Regulated medical waste (RMW) –液体或半液体血液或其他可能感染的物质;被污染的物品,如果被压缩,会以液体或半液体的状态释放血液或其他可能具有传染性的物质;被干血或其他潜在传染性物质结块并在处理过程中能够释放这些物质的物品;被污染的专家;以及含有血液或其他潜在传染性物质的病理和微生物废物。

Sharps and engineered sharps injury protections –用于提取体液、进入静脉或动脉的非针尖或针尖设备,具有有效降低暴露事件风险的内置安全功能或机制。

Source individual –any individual, living or dead, whose blood or other potentially infectious materials may be a source of occupational exposure to the employee. Examples include, but are not limited to, hospital and clinic patients; clients in institutions for the developmentally disabled; trauma victims; clients of drug and alcohol treatment facilities; residents of hospices and nursing homes; human remains; and individuals who donate or sell blood or blood components.

Sterilization –用物理或化学方法消灭所有微生物,包括高度耐药的细菌内生孢子。

Universal precautions –一种控制感染的方法,要求将所有人类血液和OPIM视为已知会感染艾滋病毒、乙型肝炎病毒和其他血液传播病原体的人进行治疗。

Work practice controls –通过改变执行任务的方式(例如,禁止用双手技术覆针)来减少接触的可能性的控制。


Exposure Incident, Post Exposure Evaluation and Follow-up

Exposure Incident:An exposure incident is defined as parenteral, non-intact skin or mucous membrane (e.g., eye, nose, mouth) contact with human blood or other potentially infectious materials. An exposure to blood or OPIM should be regarded as an urgent medical circumstance. The guidelines for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) call for treatment initiation, and if warranted, within several hours following exposure, however treatment with chemo prophylactic drugs is voluntary. Post Exposure Prophylaxis will be provided at no expense to any employee who is exposed in the course of their work activities.

If possible, immediately following a potential exposure the exposed individual should perform initial first aid (e.g., clean the wound, flush eyes or other mucous membrane, etc.). If not possible, the exposed individual should seek immediate medical attention at Health Services or the nearest emergency room/medical facility for evaluation:

  • Adelphi Main Campus – Go to Health Services
  • Manhattan Center – Go to the nearest Emergency Room
  • Hauppauge Center – Go to the nearest Emergency Room
  • Hudson Valley Center – Go to the nearest Emergency Room

Post Exposure Evaluation:During the medical evaluation the particulars of how the exposure occurred and the routes of exposure (e.g., as to whether skin is intact or not) shall be shared by the exposed employee with the licensed healthcare professional performing the evaluation. A detailed assessment of the incident will be obtained from the exposed employee to determine the risk from the exposure, including the infectious status of the source individual, if obtainable, and immune status of the exposed employee. This information will be used to determine the relative benefits of taking antiretroviral therapy and to offer counseling, treatment and tracking for other infectious agents. If the initial medical evaluation is performed at Health Services and the exposure scenario suggests that antiretroviral therapy is indicated, the employee must be sent immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room where antiretroviral therapy can be administered. After consent, an exposed employee’s blood will be collected for baseline testing. If indicated, testing on a voluntary basis, for anti-HIV and anti-HCV antibodies will be conducted at six weeks, 12 weeks, six months, and twelve months. All test results are confidential and shared only with the tested employee.

In the event of an exposure incident an attempt must be made by the employee and the employee’s supervisor to identify the source individual and arrange for consent to have the person tested as soon as possible to determine HIV, HCV, and HBV infectivity. If the source individual is already known to be HIV, HCV and/or HBV positive, new testing need not be performed. If the source individual has been determined and agreed to testing, the exposed employee must be provided with the source individual’s test results and with information about applicable disclosure laws and regulations concerning the identity and infectious status of the source individual (e.g., laws protecting confidentiality).



Related Information

This policy does not have related information at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: December 2020
  • Last Revised Date: December 2020
  • Policy Origination Date: July 1992

Who Approved This Policy

Adelphi University Environmental Safety Committee in 2006.


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