To ensure a safe conclusion of the 2021–2022 academic year, we continue to monitor and make adjustments as the COVID-19 pandemic winds down.

General Guidance

Our University remains subject to New York state and Nassau County guidance for preventing and reducing the spread of COVID-19, which can change based on public health concerns. We are also adhering to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and utilizing best practices and recommendations developed by the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) in New York in collaboration with a public health consultant.

In-person and indoor events are permitted but Virtual (Zoom, Google Chat, etc.) gatherings are still encouraged for meetings and events.

The following guidelines will remain in effect until further notice:

  • Adelphi’s COVID-19 policies and protocols are contingent upon public health conditions and the requirements of New York state and are therefore subject to change. Event organizers may be required to modify or cancel the event depending on these factors.
  • Adelphi community members will continue to complete the daily health screening via theAU2GO mobile appbefore coming to campus.
  • Adelphi’s vaccination policies and surveillance testing program will remain in effect at least until the end of the spring semester.”
    • 校园活动:阿德尔菲大学活动主办方/组卡塔尔世界杯时间表织者不允许询问参与者的疫苗接种情况,但是,要想获准参加校园活动,附属机构、供应商和参观者可能会被要求在进入校园前72小时内提供疫苗接种证明和/或COVID-19检测呈阴性。These must be submitted to Health Services at
  • Additional Requirements for On-Campus Events
    • Off-Campus Events: If your event is off campus, you must comply both with Adelphi University-specific requirements stated here and venue-specific guidance. Attendees participating in University-sponsored events that are held in off-campus venues that require proof of vaccination for entry should provide that proof directly to the venue—not to the Adelphi University event organizer.

Our health and wellness leadership will continue to monitor the public health situation and actively communicate updates to our policies. Adelphi’s latest guidance is always available on ourCOVID-19 website.

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Waldo Hall First Floor
  • Summer 2022Mon–Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pmAugust 22: 24-hour resumes at 7:00am
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